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Wealth Management

WealthBriefing Swiss Awards 2021

Geneva, 4th February - Mirabaud awarded “Best Specialist International Team”

Geneva - CH

Many thanks to WealthBriefing Swiss Awards and their jury: we believe being considered “Best Specialist International Team” proves that our global thinking and vision is what is expected from us and the services we provide. Passion and dedication have the power to erase limits or frontiers and allow us to deliver solutions that resonate globally.
But most of all, this award is the best recognition of the hard work of all our international teams. Congratulations to all of you, we couldn’t be prouder.

“Judges were very impressed with Mirabaud’s can-do, client focussed approach. The bank’s reputation in this area is enviable”

Information importante

N'hésitez pas à vous adresser à votre interlocuteur privilégié chez Mirabaud ou à nous contacter ici si ce sujet vous intéresse. Avec nos spécialistes dédiés, nous nous ferons un plaisir d'évaluer vos besoins personnels et de discuter des éventuelles solutions d'investissement qui seraient adaptées à votre situation.


Etienne d'Arenberg's acceptance speech

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