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Corporate Finance

Depuis 1990, Mirabaud offre un large éventail de services de conseil et de courtage à un nombre croissant d'entreprises publiques et privées. Ses services comprennent le conseil, la recherche action, des services d’exécution, une expertise en marchés des capitaux ainsi que du courtage institutionnel.


Recherche Action

Corporate Finance

Recherche Action

Nous nous concentrons sur certains segments clés du marché des actions avec une approche axée sur les idées pour offrir des occasions de placement aux clients.

Actions espagnoles

L’équipe de recherche de Mirabaud basée à Madrid assure le suivi de près de 60 actions espagnoles en s’appuyant sur une connaissance approfondie du marché domestique. Elle se concentre en particulier sur les petites et moyennes capitalisations.
Dans ce cadre, l’équipe propose notamment un rapport d’analyse stratégique (Strategy Equity Research) selon une approche top-down, axée sur le marché des actions espagnoles. Elle organise également des roadshows ainsi que des reverse roadshows. A noter que les professionnels de Mirabaud figurent depuis 2010 aux plus hauts rangs du classement StarMine Broker.


Actions suisses

Le produit couvre des sociétés suisses, plus particulièrement des petites et moyennes capitalisations.
L’équipe se compose non seulement d’analystes généralistes, mais aussi de spécialistes de niches des secteurs de la santé (industrie pharmaceutique, technologies médicales et biotechnologie) et de l’industrie, gage de perspectives et d’idées précieuses dans ces domaines.
Prêtant une attention particulière aux fondamentaux, au positionnement concurrentiel ainsi qu’aux « pipelines », l’équipe élabore un produit savamment équilibré entre approches bottom-up et top-down, qui identifie les écarts entre les capitalisations boursières et les valeurs intrinsèques via un système de modélisation de flux de trésorerie dans une optique à long terme. Grâce aux roadshows et reverse roadshows qu’organise l’équipe tout au long de l’année, les clients bénéficient d’un accès privilégié aux entreprises.



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The View

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Chaque jour, nos experts offrent un regard neuf sur les sujets, les secteurs et les marchés pour vous aider à garder une longueur d'avance.

Concerns are growing within the German business community about a possible halt to gas supplies from Russia, following the recent announcement by the German government of the second stage of the country's national gas emergency plan. Some companies, particularly energy-intensive ones, fear that they may have to stop or reduce their production because of too little gas supply this autumn or winter. Here in Switzerland, many companies have observed the risk and are not only preparing for this scenario but forecasting what the impact might be both directly and indirectly. The greatest danger lies in higher production costs and lower demand from most important European trading partner, Germany.

Companies such as BASF and BMW have reported that they are looking at how to switch to energy sources other than gas. In the worst case scenario, if too little gas is supplied, there may be a halt called on production this autumn or winter. A spokesperson for Salzgitter stated bluntly on NTV, "Without natural gas, no steel production." Economists around the world agree that such a scenario would lead to serious consequences for Germany's gross domestic product: estimates range from -6% to -12%. Economist Achim Truger (a member of the German Sachverständigenrates) estimates that economic output would deteriorate by 6%.

It goes without saying that Germany is an important market for many listed Swiss companies, be it for production, demand or even on the procurement side. Many companies in our universe are suppliers to energy-intensive sectors such as the automotive, chemical or construction industries. Obviously, when these industries stop or reduce production, there is not much left to supply, and the only way to mitigate this is to try to manage the economic impact on the business.

Many companies in Switzerland seem to be well prepared for a gas supply disruption and are working on contingency plans for their own production should such an event occur. The most popular solution at present is to switch to liquid gas. The second possibility, which is less popular due to cost, is to produce elsewhere, however this is entirely dependent on the availability of physical space.

Even in a scenario in which physical relocation was economically and logistically plausible, relocating an entire workforce is another matter entirely. Bucher Hydraulics employs 29% of its workforce in Germany (division headquarters in Klettgau, 4 plants in Germany) which is a huge commitment. By comparison, Bucher Municipal and Emhart Glass have 6% and 5% of their employees in Germany, respectively, which increases their flexibility. Companies with a global footprint in place already will have a head start in these scenarios.

In addition, while switching production location is one thing, if this results in production and distribution being in separate countries, another logistical headache ensues.

The extent to which alternative energy sources are a viable option also depends on the type of manufacturing process within each business. For example, Bystronic's bending machines are manufactured in Germany and bending accounts for about 13% of sales. Besides heating the site, gas is only used in the drying process of the bending machines in a so-called painting booth/drying booth. So the company has the ability to replace these gas-powered drying booths with electric booths for this particular part of the process. The company is also considering solar cells on the roof to internalise the company's power generation and use this to combine with less gas for the drying process. Bystronic is also currently expanding its production halls in Gotha and a new hall is under construction to mitigate risk.

Whilst gas supply is clearly a huge threat to the afore-mentioned manufacturing processes, another knock on effect is on the procurement side. Companies such as EMS Chemie have foreseen these issues and taken pre-emptive steps to build up raw material inventories to compensate for supply shortages, and as well as increase procurement flexibility.

Overall Swiss industrial company risks are linked to Germany as its main trade partner from the supply and demand side.  The most common measure in terms of source of energy is LPG (liquid petroleum gas) supply which can be sourced from abroad and used in a flexible way at production sites in Germany. However this comes at a price - production costs would increase. Another measure impacting production and logistic costs would be to relocate production outside Germany both in Europe and abroad depending from the set up. Gas delivery disruption will undoubtedly have a negative impact on German GDP, sending the country to a recession, especially impacting energy intensive sectors of the economy.

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