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Centre Pompidou & Mirabaud Group

On the occasion of Mirabaud's exclusive event featuring the exhibition by Christian Marclay at Centre Pompidou in Paris, we are pleased to share this interview of Managing Partner Lionel Aeschlimann and Laurent Le Bon, President of the Centre Pompidou.

According to Laurent Le Bon, President of the Centre Pompidou: "the Mirabaud Group has always wanted to bring together history, heritage and modernity."

"It is the sharing of a common vision, the possibility and the desire to make art accessible to as many people as possible" adds Lionel Aeschlimann, Managing Partner of Mirabaud.

Through this partnership, Lionel Aeschlimann and Laurent Le Bon remind us of the important connection between art and finance, and underline the common vision and values shared by the Mirabaud Group and the Centre Pompidou.

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