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Corporate Finance

Desde 1990, Mirabaud ofrece una amplia gama de servicios de asesoramiento y ejecución a un creciente número de empresas cotizadas y privadas. Su oferta comprende análisis financiero, servicios de ejecución, conocimiento especializado en mercados de capitales, financiación e intermediación institucional.



Corporate Finance


En línea con sus intereses. Mirabaud ejerce con total independencia su actividad de Brokerage, que dirige a clientes institucionales y cubre los mercados mundiales. Esta actividad comprende, básicamente, servicios de asesoramiento y ejecución.

Ejecución - Renta variable

Las capacidades de ejecución de Mirabaud combinan una cobertura mundial con competencias regionales especializadas a fin de ofrecer unas soluciones de ejecución a medida para los clientes. La oferta es sumamente innovadora, con énfasis en el desarrollo, la adaptación y la utilización de las últimas tecnologías de ejecución en beneficio de los inversores institucionales. Somos expertos con una visión proactiva en todos los aspectos de la estructura de mercado, asesoramiento en ejecución y regulación internacional y nos centramos esencialmente en unas capacidades completas de obtención de liquidez y una ejecución de alta calidad.


Ejecución - Renta fija

El equipo de Mercado secundario de Renta Fija de Mirabaud ofrece un completo servicio de  ejecución sobre todo tipo de productos de renta fija.
Nuestro servicio incluye también comentarios en tiempo real sobre los mercados así como asesoramiento a nuestros clientes sobre ideas de inversión sobre el mercado en general y sobre activos de sus carteras en particular, así como ideas de trading.
Todos los miembros del equipo tienen más de 20 años de experiencia en el mercado de renta fija y  nuestra base de más de 240  clientes institucionales globales incluye fondos de pensiones, hedge funds, bancos, fondos de inversión, aseguradoras, bancas privadas.


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The View

Nuestras últimas noticias

Cada día, nuestros expertos ofrecen una nueva perspectiva sobre temas, sectores y mercados para ayudarle a mantenerse a la vanguardia.

Almost everyone assumes that the industry provides a service that is both indispensable and readily available, although few are aware of its massive underlying structure or cost. With this mindset, regulators have insisted on improving and upgrading capacities by targeting connections of 1Gb per second in 2030 (33 times faster than the 2020 target) for all users in the EU, proposing €300bn (~25% of Spain’s GDP) in total investment and looking to private initiatives to finance the greater part of the plan.

Will the telecommunications industry be able to take on this new challenge? We think not, but in order to explain why, we must first look back and take account of the developments that have led to the industry’s inability to deal with the proposed change.

EU interventionism in the telecommunications industry is among the trends that have characterised the last two decades of economic activity in Europe. Excessive regulatory zeal led to the rounding down of tariffs and the lowering of entry barriers, which paved the way for the emergence of hundreds of operators that achieved sufficient profitability with minimal investment. In turn, this put the prices for the services they offered into a deflationary spiral. Making matters worse for the operators, the process was marked by periodic spectrum auctions that required hefty outlays to achieve the required coverage.

Faced with this situation, the main telecom players opted for M&A, although pressure on prices resulted in poor operating synergies while the operators’ debt soared to unsustainable levels.

The disappointing results of this were waning profitability, shrinking cash flows (one-third lost in the last decade), bloated debt, scant investment capacity and fierce competition among hundreds of operators. This contrasts with the solid structure of the industry in the US, where less than a dozen operators benefit from ARPUs that more than double those seen in Europe. Considering this, it is unsurprising that the industry in Europe has been amid a process of divestment in recent years or that it has welcomed financial partners in order to deal with certain investments.

For these reasons, we think the coverage plan put forth by the EU is unviable. Paradoxically, it puts the weight of the initiative on the shoulders of an industry that it has suffocated for decades. All signs suggest that the EU will have to revive the plan, at least as a means of ensuring the meeting of its own goals. In view of this, we may expect to see a rebirth of the industry in coming years, especially among those operators with enough muscle to carry through the development of slated projects.

There are signs of the EU taking steps in this direction. Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton recently announced the launching of a consultation early next year on whether content distributors (Alphabet, Apple, Meta, Amazon, Netflix, etc.) should bear some of the costs of Europe’s telecoms network, estimated at €20bn per year. The situation is comparable to that of motorcycles and articulated lorries being charged different motorway tolls, as their impacts are very different insofar as maintenance, repair, accident-related risk, etc. In relation to networks, the idea appears to be gaining traction in other markets such as those in South Korea and France.

Big Tech companies exert effective influence on lawmakers in ways that ultimately work against telecom players as a whole. To date, the EU has found in the industry a highly favourable context for the establishment of its undertakings. Nonetheless, at Mirabaud Equity Research, we suspect that a change in perception lies ahead. Taking a pragmatic approach and considering the industry’s limited ability to finance new networks, we think the EU will be more receptive to the exploration of new sources of financing for these projects. The stage is set for the forthcoming consultation, and we will be watching for any pertinent developments.

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