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Bienvenido a Mirabaud

Grupo Mirabaud

Bienvenido a Mirabaud.
Nuestra razón de ser: servir a nuestros clientes y ayudarles a navegar a través de un mundo complejo. De igual modo, contribuimos a que el sector financiero evolucione hacia una sociedad mejor y más justa para todos.
Así lo hacemos desde más de 200 años.

Nos especializamos en ofrecer a nuestros clientes particulares y corporativos un servicio integrado y a medida que les permite alcanzar sus metas de inversión

Camille Vial
Socia Gestora

Grupo Mirabaud

Un enfoque global del patrimonio y los activos

Gestión Patrimonial

Nuestro principal negocio son los servicios de gestión patrimonial para particulares, familias y emprendedores. Incluye la gestión discrecional, servicios de advisory y planificación patrimonial.


Asset Management

Mirabaud AM se centra en la inversión activa en todo el espectro global de la renta fija, renta variable y activos privados. Apoyamos a nuestros clientes mediante estrategias de inversión sostenibles y de alta convicción.


Corporate Finance

Mirabaud ofrece una amplia gama de servicios para empresas públicas y privadas, que abarca el análisis de renta variable, los mercados de capital, corporate advisory y la intermediación institucional.


Contemporary Art

Mirabaud joins the international tribute to the artist Pablo Picasso

Like artists who seek to capture the spirit of the moment, wealth management requires a deep understanding of the present, while looking to the future. Creativity and passion are fundamental to any kind of innovation, to rethinking oneself and being open to new opportunities. It is in a spirit of sharing and dialogue that Mirabaud has been actively involved in the promotion of contemporary art for several decades.

Mirabaud and Contemporary Art

After several decades of commitment to promote contemporary art, Mirabaud became a partner of the Centre Pompidou in 2022. 

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Grupo Mirabaud

Nuestra clientela

Atendemos a una clientela exigente que busca a un socio de confianza. Trabajamos para personas que quieren ser consideradas como un nombre, y no como un número, y que comparten nuestra mentalidad emprendedora, nuestro enfoque no convencional y nuestros valores responsables.

Foco en los clientes

Gestores Patrimoniales Independientes

Servicios a medida para gestores patrimoniales independientes exigentes

Descubra nuestros equipos y sus servicios


Inversión responsable

Para alcanzar el objetivo de responsabilidad económica del Grupo Mirabaud de ofrecer una amplia gama de productos y servicios responsables y sostenibles, en Mirabaud Wealth Management procuramos ofrecer productos y servicios de alta calidad que integren criterios ESG. La gestión de los riesgos ESG, así como la promoción de las temáticas ESG, son factores clave de nuestro enfoque ISR global.

Historically, the integration of ESG factors has focused on equities and corporate bonds. Today, the ESG approach extends to all asset classes in a portfolio

Lea el artículo (en inglés)

Cómo integramos los criterios ESG en nuestras soluciones de inversión responsable y sostenible


Grupo Mirabaud

Descubra nuestras últimas noticias

1. Inflation

If 2022 was the year of inflation – 2023 will focus on the transition to growth risks and recessionary fears. Looking back, a main feature in 2022 was the return of higher prices, a phenomenon not seen in decades. While, in theory, solving an inflation problem is painful but simple – like fixing a dislocated shoulder – the effects on the economy will be felt in 2023. As a former central banker said, inflation is like toothpaste – “once it’s out, you can hardly get it back in again”. The main question for this year will therefore focus on whether central banks will put the inflation genie back into the bottle – and how this affects economic growth, given that monetary policy acts with long and variable lags.

2. Growth

While the global economy is likely to continue to grow – though at a slower pace - we do not expect a recession to be happening on a global scale. We expect a significant slowdown in US economic growth in the second half of the year, while a recession – currently underway - in Europe is likely to be mild. Switzerland is likely to avoid a recession, while in the UK, economic cheer is thin on the ground. China’s economy is in grim state, but a reopening of the economy is likely to help activity later this year. In emerging markets, activity in India and Brazil suggest upside potential.

3. Central banks

We expect a pause in central bank action to be happening at the end of the first quarter – with the possibility of a possible ‘pivot’ in central bank policy to be happening in the second semester. Even if there is a halting of rate hikes - we expect this to be happening after the next couple of FED meetings - rates will not go down aggressively anytime soon. Once less restrictive monetary policy is happening, we will add more risk to our equity portfolio – while, for the time being, we favor UK and Swiss stocks in a global equity basket.

4. Fixed income securities

Crucial for fixed income securities will be the evolution of prices in tandem to central bank policy. In the recent past, inflation levels rose as too much money was chasing too few goods. We keep a more constructive stance on US sovereign bonds, and like investment grade corporate bonds, which offer interesting yields.

5. Risks

While risks for 2023 are manifold – a key risk is that inflation remains very stubborn, and central banks follow a more restrictive monetary policy path. For us, this risk is particularly high in the US, where the Federal Reserve could tighten the screws more aggressively than anticipated by many. This is why we keep a slightly buoyant view on the US dollar, and believe that the Swiss franc will keep its current strength.

Contact us

Please reach out to find out how to implement an investment strategy in line with these challenges.

Información importante

Por favor no dude en comunicarse con su persona de confianza en Mirabaud o contáctenos aquí si este tema es de su interés. Junto a nuestros dedicados especialistas estaremos encantados de evaluar sus necesidades personales y discutir posibles soluciones de inversión adaptadas a su situación.

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